We do not use glues of any kind. Our garments are zero-hydrocarbons guaranteed. Not only the exclusive fabrics and handcrafted buttons, even the core of our jackets meets the principle of sustainability, lightness and comfort.
It is of our production and is a skilful mix of cotton, camel hair and horsehair; all natural fabrics with a certified production.
All possible details meet our values.
In this way we create a style that lasts over time, that does not wither in a season, and we make our garments with an extra 2 cm, so that if our body changes over time, they can change with it.
We do not use glues of any kind. Our garments are zero-hydrocarbons guaranteed. Not only the exclusive fabrics and handcrafted buttons, even the core of our jackets meets the principle of sustainability, lightness and comfort.
It is of our production and is a skilful mix of cotton, camel hair and horsehair; all natural fabrics with a certified production.
All possible details meet our values.
In this way we create a style that lasts over time, that does not wither in a season, and we make our garments with an extra 2 cm, so that if our body changes over time, they can change with it.
We have chosen not to use inert materials, such as plastic, in any way, but to select only natural stones. Onyx, tiger's eye, white agate, emerald, jade, topaz, are just some of the stones that embellish our creations and transmit a positive energy to those who wear them.
In particular, among the favourites of the designer Pia Lauri, there is a series of limited-edition buttons in white coral, coming from certified sources and collected in a sustainable way.
After a meticulous study of the shape and size that each button must have, each button is handcrafted by the best master craftsmen of Torre del Greco; artists who carve and inlay the coral, creating real artworks.
So, get ready to wear creations that are unique in the world, customized for you even with 18 karat gold.
E così la nostra ambizione è quella di portare nei nostri capi parte di questa scintilla.
Abbiamo scelto di non utilizzare in alcun modo materiali inerti, come la plastica, ma di selezionare esclusivamente pietre naturali.
L’onice, l’occhio di tigre, l’agata bianca, lo smeraldo, la giada, il topazio, sono solo alcune delle pietre che impreziosiscono le nostre creazioni e che trasmettono carica positiva a chi le indossa.
In particolare, tra le preferite della stilista Pia Lauri, vi è una serie di bottoni limited edition in corallo bianco, proveniente da fonti certificate e da raccolta sostenibile.
Dopo un suo meticoloso studio sulla forma e sulla dimensione che ciascun bottone deve interpretare, viene lavorato a mano dai migliori maestri artigiani di Torre del Greco; artisti che incidono ed intarsiano il corallo creando delle vere e proprie opere d’arte.
So, get ready to wear creations that are unique in the world, customized for you even with 18 karat gold.
While the rest of the world makes straight pockets, usually using a sewing machine, we have decided to sew them "resella", totally by hand, even internally. Not only a choice of style but the result of in-depth research on wearability, on the ease of movement.
A patented choice to give you the certainty of wearing unparalleled garments. Smile and make yourself comfortable.
While the rest of the world makes straight pockets, usually using a sewing machine, we have decided to sew them "resella", totally by hand, even internally. Not only a choice of style but the result of in-depth research on wearability, on the ease of movement.
A patented choice to give you the certainty of wearing unparalleled garments. Smile and make yourself comfortable.
Our hangers are produced by Italian artisans so that the jackets have a support especially designed to keep them perfectly straight. The hangers are made by hand exclusively for us in a natural, very fragrant wood.
The artisans make them from a single piece of wood, carving them internally so that they remain light and, just like our creations, they are made rigorously without glue.
The scent of cedar, an essence of Capri inspiration, will make you and your wardrobe fall in love
Indossare un capo PiaLauriCapri equivale ad abbracciare una passione fatta di dettagli che non si esauriscono con la realizzazione delle nostre creazioni ma si estende a tutto il nostro modo di interpretare la moda arrivando a toccare ogni minuzia.
È di nostra concezione l’idea di far produrre grucce da artigiani italiani perché i capi spalla riposti abbiano un sostegno disegnato appositamente per mantenerli correttamente aplomb.
Appendiabiti realizzati a mano esclusivamente per noi, in legno naturale, profumatissimo. Gli artigiani le lavorano da un unico pezzo di legno scavandole internamente perché rimangano leggere, e proprio come le nostre creazioni, rigorosamente senza colla. Il profumo di cedro, essenza di ispirazione caprese, farà innamorare voi ed il vostro guardaroba